33 Queen St, Grafton NSW 2460
Phone 02 6643 1100
Fax 02 6643 1254
Contact Queen Street Clinic
33 Queen St, Grafton NSW 2460 | Phone 02 6643 1100 | Fax 02 6643 1254
After Hours
Please phone 02 6643 1100 to receive a message with the phone number of the doctor on call.
If it is a medical emergency, please dial 000 for an ambulance or go directly to Grafton Base Hospital.
The doctors are available to speak to patients on the phone but prefer not to be interrupted during consultations unless an emergency.
The receptionist will take your name and number and your call will be returned.
Usually, the doctors make their calls at the end of their working day so please say if the matter is urgent.
Suggestions & Complaints
We will constantly strive to give you and your family the best possible care and attention. If you have any suggestions or are unhappy about any aspect of our service please speak to the Practice Manager, Yvonne Byrnes. She will be more than happy to listen. If it is possible and necessary she will make improvements to what we do at Queen Street Clinic.
If you prefer, you can contact the Health Care Complaints Commission on 1800 043 159 (Toll Free – NSW).
We also have a suggestion box in the clinic for patients to leave anonymous suggestions or concerns.