33 Queen St, Grafton NSW 2460
Phone 02 6643 1100
Fax 02 6643 1254
Queen Street Clinic Services
Queen Street Clinic provides a comprehensive range of medical services to the patients of the Clarence Valley. We have expertise and experience in the following services:

Men's Health
BP Management
Asthma Care
ECG (Heart Test)
Sight Tests
Flu Shot Clinics
45 Yr Health Checks
Preventative Health Screening
Chronic Disease Management
Diabetes Management
Aged Care
Spirometry (Breathing Test)
4 Yr Old Checks
Childhood Immunisations
Cervical Cancer Immunisation
Overseas Travel Immunisation
Wound Management
Pain Management
Palliative Care
Home Visits
Audiometry (Hearing Test)
75 Yr Health Check

Women's Health
Contraceptive Advice
Breast Examinations
H.R.T. Management
Pap Smears
Antenatal Care

Skin Checks
Removal of Skin Cancers
Skin Cancer Screening

Pre-Employment Licence Medicals
Health Insurance
Life Insurance